
My name is Davis &  I use art & design to solve communication problems. I love what I do and I can be a bit obsessive at times. Currently I work full time as a creative director, but I love the adventure of doing freelance work & taking on new projects. If you need someone on your team to help develop a logo, create a great advertisement, or help build a brand; I am happy to help.

App Design .

App design is something that keeps amazing me. The innovation that keeps evolving is fascinating. I think app UI design is a lot of fun too. It takes a little while to figure things out but the final products are awesome. The truth is, a great app is not about breaking the mold. Great app design comes from user experience. If people like to play with it, it is probably a good app. Provided it works & doesn't come with an instruction manual.

Print Design .

I love print! I love the feeling of creating something awesome on my computer and then later holding it in my hand. I love the smell of fresh print. I love the impact. Creating product packaging, advertisements, & promotional materials is what made me want to be a designer in the first place. I enjoy the big projects and the small ones too.

Web Design .

I will be the first to admit that I am not a developer. I have tremendous amounts of respect for the wizards of CSS, HTML, PHP, & JavaScript. I did create the site you are currently viewing, so  give me a little credit. I do not build websites (usually), but I do design them. I have designed some pretty awesome sites over the years too. However, I work best when I can team up with a talented developer. If you do not have one on your team, I have some very talented devs I like to partner with and we can create an awesome website for you.


Davis Pratt

Davis Pratt Studio • 850 449 0492